
Alexandra Papadakis is a gem, an author’s ally, an enthusiastic, highly engaged publisher with an impeccable eye for quality and detail. Mixing six years worth of my work with her wise, expert guidance and a willingness to take creative risks, she produced a stunning result. When other publishers balked at the idea that a book could blend artistic, surreal photography with scientific text, Alexandra saw that these elements enhanced rather than negated each other. It has been a true honor and joy to collaborate with her.”
Robert Dash
Food Planet Future: The Art of Turning Food and Climate Perils into Possibilities

“I have met very few people with such a potential of creativity, such a high degree of publisher’s ethos, and so much energy put into her plans and visions into practice. Alexandra Papadakis’s books are beautiful, of stunning quality, and they bring clarity into a world which develops in rather mysterious ways. Papadakis books give insight, touch, and matter.”
Dr Armin Sinwell, Managing Director, Kosmos Books Verlag

“A publisher and designer with sheer infallibly good taste and outstanding skills, Alexandra Papadakis works towards the highest standards, both in terms of design and print quality. I have done three successful books with Alexandra and every time it was a hugely satisfying experience. Unlike most publishers, Alexandra offers her authors great freedom and opportunity to decide over contents and design. Despite aspiring to perfection, Alexandra’s pace is fast and efficient and achieves great results. I cannot imagine any other publisher I could have produced such beautiful books with!”
Dr Wolfgang Stuppy
Seeds: Time Capsules of Life | Fruit: Edible Inedible Incredible | Wonders of the Plant Kingdom: A Microscosm Revealed

“I feel I owe the success of my books in large measure to the encouragement and professionalism of Papadakis. They have great skills in design and presentation which have led to books with the highest quality of reproduction. When people open my books there are invariably gasps of admiration. Comments and reviews invariably mention the extremely high quality of reproduction.”
Professor Philip Howse OBE, FRES
Butterflies: Messages from Psyche | Giant Silkmoths: Colour, Mimicry & Camouflage | Seeing Butterflies

“Alexandra Papadakis’s early training at the Architectural Association School of Architecture has enabled her to bring a deep professional insight to this family publishing house. She has enlarged the scope of these interests to embrace the fields of popular science, technology and natural history. Her innovative approach has ensured a notable and award-winning place for Papadakis in the world of books. It is always a joy to pick up and read a book published by Papadakis. I am firmly of the opinion that that they are among the most beautiful books to be discovered in any bookshop.”
John Melvin, Architect
The Stones of Oxford: Conjectures on a Cockleshell

“Alexandra Papadakis has an instinctive ability to spot creative opportunities in unlikely places when more established publishing houses have failed to, and a willingness to back them when others appear cautious. But her talents are not just limited to business acumen. What makes her approach unique is her ability to craft books of a distinctive elegance and visual appeal that others can only strive to imitate.”
Professor Rob Kesseler
Pollen: The Hidden Sexuality of Flowers | Seeds: Time Capsules of Life | Fruit: Edible Inedible Incredible | Up Close | Wonders of the Plant Kingdom

“When the colloquium Durability in Construction was held, Papadakis was the one publisher that immediately came to mind as capable of pulling together the material in a seamless and elegant way. The process of liaising and coordinating with their skilled designers and staff was as smooth and effortless as any editor could hope – indeed it was a pleasure. The Papadakis team deeply impressed me for its professionalism and care for detail.”
Richard Economakis, School of Architecture, University of Notre Dame
Durability in Construction: Tradition and Sustainability in 21st Century Architecture

“I have looked forward to do a book with Papadakis for seven years. Each of their books has a look and feel of great quality and unique character, interesting topics, worthy of a book. Alexandra Papadakis has a great vision of what a book should be, and pushed me to make a book that was larger in scope than the one I initially envisioned. She has a discerning eye for images, and picked some overlooked gems out of my catalog that really shine my book.”
J Henry Fair
Industrial Scars: The Hidden Costs of Consumption | On The Edge: Combahee to Winyah 

“I have had the distinct pleasure of collaborating with Ms. Papadakis on a copublication, one which illuminated her investment in international publishing partnerships, and her distinct and talented publishing vision. As Publishing Director at PAPADAKIS, she has cultivated and curated a list of authors that use the visual as a means of communication, from evolution to botany to history of science. Her versatility is apparent across their fine list, and her knowledge of the craftsmanship of book making adorns each page of every title.”
Christie Henry, Editorial Director, Chicago University Press
Wonders of the Plant Kingdom: A Microscosm Revealed